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We've Studied E-Com For 20+ Years
And Spent Over 1 Billion In Ads
To Learn How To Effectively Scale Businesses!

(now we're partnering with companies like yours)

If you're serious about growing your business, see how you can partner with Tai Lopez and Alex Mehr to scale your business like never before.

Schedule Your Free Consulting Session

Worth Over $5,000 - FREE for a limited time

Your Marketing Solved in 17 days.

Psst: We'll give you a personalized, strategic sales and marketing plan with the exact steps to generate more leads, close more sales, and scale your business like never before.

Download our Demo

Schedule Your Consulting Session

Schedule your free consulting session and download your bonus strategy guide worth over $5,000. (market limited and first-come, first-served)

Marketing Strategy

Get Guaranteed Results

Get a marketing plan that's guaranteed to at least double your results. (That's just how confident we are)


Enjoy The Rewards and Profits

Enjoy your results knowing you'll never waste another penny on marketing that doesn't work!

Imagine eliminating the stress and frustration of "spend and hope" marketing knowing you have a proven plan that guarantees you'll double your business this year!

(You read that right. We actually guarantee you'll 2X your business this year!)

It's okay. We've all been there...


Maybe you thought social media would be easy¦

After all, how hard could it be? Post. Get likes. Get sales. But then no one engages. Or worse yet, you spend so much time trying to think about what to promote that you end up posting nothing at all.

Maybe you've wasted countless hours and far too much money trying to learn to do it yourself.

YouTube videos, courses, hours upon hours trying to figure out how to make it work yourself - only to get little to no results. All that translates to a lot of wasted money and wasted time that could have been put to much better use.

You've fallen for the outsourced trap.

The only thing worse than not having a problem solved is paying for someone who claims to solve it with zero results. That's because going through the motions of marketing is NOT the same thing as working from a well-thought-out strategic marketing plan.

...or maybe even hired a dedicated marketing person.

While they may be good at photoshop, or know how to send an email newsletter, there's a big difference between production skills and being able to design a guaranteed 12 step. After all, while the water boy on a team is valuable, I certainly wouldn't want him drawing up the final play, down by two with seven seconds left on the clock.

The only constant is change - but is chasing the next marketing strategy really the best use of your time?

Sure, 20 years ago it was easy. With today's constant stream of ads, getting your message to stand out takes more than simply boosting a Facebook post. But with a strategic plan, you'll know exactly how to get your brand top of mind and build raving fans.

Smart Entrepreneurs know there's a better way.

Imagine being able to tap into the same resources as billion-dollar brands without having to actually hire a Madison Avenue agency.

Your business is too good NOT to go to the next level. If wasted money and failed marketing ideas were a drinking game, most entrepreneurs would be passed out drunk on the floor. Now, there's a way to bypass the six-figure marketing mistakes, zero ROI, and the unknown unknowns of marketing.


Introducing the Marketing Launchpad 17 Day System

A detailed, step-by-step action plan outlining exactly what you need to do today, next week, and next month to massively scale your business. And it's not JUST a plan, it's access to some of the internet's most successful marketers of today.

Here's What's Included...

Our Marketing Launchpad analyzes every aspect of your current marketing efforts and provides you with a detailed step by step action plan for guaranteed results. Here's just a small sample of what's included.


Brand Audit

IDX Home Search

Asset Discovery


Quarterly Strategies


Website / Funnel Optimization


12 Month Action Plan

Call Tracking

Keyword & Media Report


Social Media Content Primer

ToDos and Reminders

Brand Guide

Form Builder

Implementation Calendar


ROI Tracking / Reporting

Auto Import Leads

Private Mastermind Access

Smart Followups

Free Bonuses

100% Focused on Seeing Your Business 2X in the next 12 Months - Guaranteed!

No more frustration of aimlessly trying yet another marketing idea on your own only to see it fail.

Get My Free Strategy Session

*Disclaimer: All statistics and examples shared are for illustrative purposes only. There is no guarantee your business will perform at the same level or will generate the same amount of sales. Examples above are real examples from our marketing team.